Fiscal Year 2021 - 2023 Financial Statements

Financial Statement for the fiscal year July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023, projected based on the Governor's Budget Recommendation.

All Funds [ 1 ] CNS Funds [ 2 ] Non CNS Funds [ 3 ] Revenue and Other Sources Beginning Balances Reserved or Designated Balances Stabilization Fund Balance Undesignated Balance Subtotal, Beginning Balances Current Year Revenues and Other Sources Total Tax Revenue Annual Contribution to State Pension System Non-Tax Revenue Federal Reimbursements & Grants Departmental Revenue Consolidated Transfers Intragovernmental Service Charges Subtotal, Non-Tax Revenue Subtotal, Current Year Revenues and Other Sources Subtotal, Revenue and Other Sources Expenditures and Other Uses Expenditures and Other Uses Total Spending Interfund Transfers Reserved Fund Balances Subtotal, Expenditures and Other Uses Undesignated Fund Balances Fund Balance Transfers Consolidated Net Surplus Ending Balances Reserved or Designated Balances Stabilization Fund Balance Undesignated Balance Subtotal, Ending Balances

Fiscal Year 2022 Projected Financial Statement

Financial Statement for the fiscal year July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022, based on actual expenditures and projected for the remainder of the fiscal year.

All Funds [ 1 ] CNS Funds [ 2 ] Non CNS Funds [ 3 ] Revenue and Other Sources Beginning Balances Reserved or Designated Balances Stabilization Fund Balance Undesignated Balance Subtotal, Beginning Balances Current Year Revenues and Other Sources Total Tax Revenue Annual Contribution to State Pension System Non-Tax Revenue Federal Reimbursements & Grants Departmental Revenue Consolidated Transfers Intragovernmental Service Charges Subtotal, Non-Tax Revenue Subtotal, Current Year Revenues and Other Sources Subtotal, Revenue and Other Sources Expenditures and Other Uses Expenditures and Other Uses Total Spending Interfund Transfers Reserved Fund Balances Subtotal, Expenditures and Other Uses Undesignated Fund Balances Fund Balance Transfers Consolidated Net Surplus Ending Balances Reserved or Designated Balances Stabilization Fund Balance Undesignated Balance Subtotal, Ending Balances

Fiscal Year 2021 Financial Statement

Financial Statement for the fiscal year July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.

All Funds [ 4 ] Revenue and Other Sources Beginning Balances Reserved or Designated Balances Stabilization Fund Balance Undesignated Balance Subtotal, Beginning Balances Current Year Revenues and Other Sources Total Tax Revenue Annual Contribution to State Pension System Non-Tax Revenue Federal Reimbursements & Grants Departmental Revenue Consolidated Transfers Intragovernmental Service Charges Subtotal, Non-Tax Revenue Subtotal, Current Year Revenues and Other Sources Subtotal, Revenue and Other Sources Expenditures and Other Uses Expenditures and Other Uses Total Spending Interfund Transfers Reserved Fund Balances Subtotal, Expenditures and Other Uses Ending Balances Reserved or Designated Balances Stabilization Fund Balance Undesignated Balance Subtotal, Ending Balances

1. Figures represent Executive Office for Administration and Finance revenue and spending projections as of January 26, 2022. All estimates are subject to change.

2. Budgeted Consolidated Net Surplus Funds with activity in this fiscal year include the General Fund, Commonwealth Transportation Fund, Local Capital Projects Fund, Gaming Local Aid Fund, Education Fund, Gaming Economic Development Fund, Marijuana Regulation Fund, and Underground Storage Tank Petroleum Products Cleanup Fund

3. Budgeted Non-Consolidated Net Surplus Funds with activity in this fiscal year include the Commonwealth Stabilization Fund, Public Safety Training Fund, Inland Fish and Game Fund, Marine Recreational Fisheries Development Fund, and Behavioral Health Outreach, Access and Support Trust Fund. Excludes the Federal COVID-19 Response Fund and Transitional Escrow Fund.

4. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Statutory Basis Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2021 represents the official financial statement of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for fiscal 2021. Excludes the Federal COVID-19 Response Fund and Transitional Escrow Fund.

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