Data mining is a methodology in computer science for discovering meaningful patterns and knowledge from large amounts of data. However, before a data mining model can be applied, the raw data must be preprocessed to ensure that it is in a suitable format for analysis. Data preprocessing is an essential step in the data mining process and can greatly impact the accuracy and efficiency of the final results.
This article provides a hands-on guide to data preprocessing in data mining. We will cover the most common data preprocessing techniques, including data cleaning, data integration, data transformation, and feature selection. With practical examples and code snippets, this article will help you understand the key concepts and techniques involved in data preprocessing and equip you with the skills to apply them to your own data mining projects. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced data miner, this guide will be a valuable resource to help you achieve high-quality results from your data.
This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon
Data preprocessing is the process of transforming raw data into an understandable format. It is also an important step in data mining as we cannot work with raw data. The quality of the data should be checked before applying machine learning or data mining algorithms.
Preprocessing of data is mainly to check the data quality. The quality can be checked by the following:
There are 4 major tasks in data preprocessing – Data cleaning, Data integration, Data reduction, and Data transformation.
Data cleaning is the process of removing incorrect data, incomplete data, and inaccurate data from the datasets, and it also replaces the missing values. Here are some techniques for data cleaning:
Noisy generally means random error or containing unnecessary data points. Handling noisy data is one of the most important steps as it leads to the optimization of the model we are using Here are some of the methods to handle noisy data.
The process of combining multiple sources into a single dataset. The Data integration process is one of the main components of data management. There are some problems to be considered during data integration.
This process helps in the reduction of the volume of the data, which makes the analysis easier yet produces the same or almost the same result. This reduction also helps to reduce storage space. Some of the data reduction techniques are dimensionality reduction, numerosity reduction, and data compression.
The change made in the format or the structure of the data is called data transformation. This step can be simple or complex based on the requirements. There are some methods for data transformation.
Here is the stepwise guide to understanding data preprocessing in machine learning:
import pandas as pd import numpy as np dataset = pd.read_csv('Data.csv') print (dataset)
from sklearn.preprocessing import Imputer imputer= Imputer(missing_values ='NaN', strategy='mean', axis = 0) imputerimputer=[:, 1:3]) x[:, 1:3]= imputer.transform(x[:, 1:3]) x
The machine learning models use mathematical equations. So categorical data is not accepted, so we convert it into numerical form.
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder label_encoder_x= LabelEncoder() x[:, 0]= label_encoder_x.fit_transform(x[:, 0])
These dummy variables replace the categorical data as 0 and 1 in the absence or the presence of the specific categorical data.
labelencoder_y= LabelEncoder() y= labelencoder_y.fit_transform(y)
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test= train_test_split(x, y, test_size= 0.2, random_state=0)
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
st_x= StandardScaler() x_train= st_x.fit_transform(x_train)
x_test= st_x.transform(x_test)
In conclusion, data preprocessing is an essential step in the data mining process and plays a crucial role in ensuring that the data is in a suitable format for analysis. This article provides a comprehensive guide to data preprocessing techniques, including data cleaning, integration, reduction, and transformation. Through practical examples and code snippets, the article helps readers understand the key concepts and techniques involved in data preprocessing and gives them the skills to apply these techniques to their own data mining projects. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced data miner, this article will provide valuable information and resources to help you achieve high-quality results from your data.
Take your data mining skills to the next level by enrolling in our course “How to Preprocess Data” and master the essential techniques for preparing your data for analysis.
Key Takeaways
A. Data cleansing is the process of identifying and removing errors, inconsistencies and duplicate records from a dataset. The goal is to improve the accuracy, completeness, and consistency of data. Data cleansing can involve tasks such as correcting inaccuracies, removing duplicates, and standardizing data formats. This process helps to ensure that data is reliable and trustworthy for business intelligence, analytics, and decision-making purposes.
Q2. What are the data preprocessing steps in order?A. The steps involved in data preprocessing are: Data collection, Data cleaning, Data integration, Data transformation, Data reduction, Data discretization, Data normalization or Data standardization, Feature selection, and Data representation.
Q3. What is the difference between data mining and data preprocessing?A. Data mining is the process of discovering patterns and insights from large amounts of data, while data preprocessing is the initial step in data mining which involves preparing the data for analysis. Data preprocessing involves cleaning and transforming the data to make it suitable for analysis. The goal of data preprocessing is to make the data accurate, consistent, and suitable for analysis. It helps to improve the quality and efficiency of the data mining process.
The media shown in this article are not owned by Analytics Vidhya and are used at the Author’s discretion.
Sadhvi 07 Aug, 2024I am Sadhvi Anunaya R student of Coimbatore Institute of Technology persuing MSc Decision and Computing Sciences. I wish to explore on data so I came up with the article in this topic data engineering. I am making myself strong to get better career and my aim is to became a data engineer.