12 SMART Goals Examples for Speech Therapy

You should realize that speech therapy is integral to those who face communication or speech-related issues. Fortunately, establishing SMART goals provides a clear roadmap for therapists and their patients.

But what exactly are SMART goals, and how can they be applied in the context of speech therapy? This post will explore 12 SMART goals examples that speech therapists may use when designing treatment plans for their patients.

Table of Contents

What is a SMART Goal?

The SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-based) framework will allow you to establish effective goals for speech therapy.

Here is a deeper dive into each SMART component:


The more precise your goal is, the easier it is for everyone involved in the process to understand what must be done. Instead of aiming for something vague like “improved speech skills,” try breaking down that goal into smaller chunks.

Aiming for increased clarity when pronouncing certain words or articulating complete sentences are examples of more achievable targets that you can work towards over time.


The inherent complexity of speech therapy requires that goals be measurable for successful outcomes. Tracking progress allows the therapist to adjust strategies, deepening their understanding of the patient’s needs. It will be easier to identify which treatment plans are effective.


Make sure you remain realistic about what you can achieve rather than aiming too high and feeling disappointed. Goal achievement should provide satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment, not an exercise in futility.

Focus on creating incremental steps that push you closer to your ultimate goal instead of trying to do it all at once. And ensure you have the resources and skills necessary to reach them.


Setting meaningful goals allows you to create a better life. But when those goals are rooted in personal values, they become even more powerful. Connecting your ambitions with your core beliefs makes you determined to overcome any difficulty.

Start by taking an honest look at what’s important to you. What do you believe in? What do you hold dear in life? Once these questions have been answered, it’s time to create relevant goals. You’ll lay the groundwork for excellence.


A solid timeline fosters a sense of urgency, propelling yourself forward while allowing room for flexibility. You will find it easier to stay laser-focused on the end result instead of getting lost in the daily grind.

12 SMART Goals Examples for Speech Therapy

Here are 12 examples of SMART goals for effective speech therapy:

1. Strengthen Communication

“I’ll strengthen the communication skills of my patients within three months by helping them learn new forms of expressing themselves, such as non-verbal communication, writing stories, or even just engaging in conversation with peers.”

Specific: This SMART statement focuses on helping patients communicate better by learning new forms of expression.

Measurable: You can track your patient’s progress and the forms of expression they are learning.

Attainable: This is feasible as long as patients have enough time to practice expressing themselves.

Relevant: Solid communication skills will definitely benefit your patients in the long run.

Time-based: The goal should be achieved within three months.

2. Improve Articulation

“I will improve my patient’s articulation of the English language by focusing on foreign accent syndrome and other speech impairments over 6 months. I’ll use language exercises, reading aloud, and other techniques to help them improve their vocal clarity.”

Specific: The goal is well-defined, detailing precisely the objective and how it will be reached.

Measurable: The patient’s articulation can be measured in terms of how accurately they pronounce words compared to a baseline.

Attainable: This can be achieved through language exercises, reading aloud, and other techniques.

Relevant: Improving articulation is directly related to a speech therapist’s job.

Time-based: You have a timeline of 6 months for completion.

3. Enhance Prosody and Fluency

“I’ll work with the patient to increase their prosody and fluency in speech for two months. We can start by focusing on their rhythm and rate of speech, then move onto other aspects such as intonation, stress, and pitch.”

Specific: The SMART goal specifies improving the patient’s prosody and fluency.

Measurable: You could determine the patient’s progress by assessing the rate, rhythm, intonation, stress, and pitch of their speech.

Attainable: Enhancing prosody and fluency is doable with the right amount of effort.

Relevant: This relates to improving the patient’s prosody and fluency of speech.

Time-based: The goal is anticipated to be met within two months.

4. Increase Speech Volume

“The patient wants to increase the volume of their speech for small and large groups by speaking louder and more clearly. In four months, they’ll achieve a volume that can be heard and understood by all group members.”

Specific: This is specific because it focuses on increasing speech volume for small and large groups.

Measurable: Ensure the patient receives feedback from group members to monitor their volume level.

Attainable: This statement is achievable if the patient consistently practices speaking louder and more clearly.

Relevant: Increasing speech volume is vital for anyone who wants to be understood by the public.

Time-based: Goal attainment is expected in four months.

5. Boost Language Comprehension

“To support language comprehension, I’ll have my patients complete weekly exercises that challenge them to think of synonyms and explain the meaning of words. These exercises will be completed over the course of three months.”

Specific: The goal details the objective, what will be done to achieve it, and the timeline.

Measurable: You could measure how many exercises are completed each week and the patient’s comprehension test scores.

Attainable: This is achievable because it provides a realistic timeline to improve language comprehension.

Relevant: This goal is essential for helping patients develop and practice language comprehension skills.

Time-based: There is a three-month end date for success.

6. Deepen Vocabulary Knowledge

“I aim to improve the patient’s vocabulary by introducing and reinforcing new words twice a week for the following four months. I want them to use the new words in everyday conversations and demonstrate an understanding of their meanings.”

Specific: The statement is centered on improving the patient’s vocabulary.

Measurable: Make sure you introduce and reinforce new words twice a week.

Attainable: The timeline of four months is enough for the patient to get a good grasp of the words.

Relevant: Boosting the patient’s vocabulary is necessary to help them communicate better.

Time-based: This goal has a deadline of four months.

7. Develop Social Interaction Skills

“For 6 months, I want to help my patient develop more social interaction skills. This may involve them attending group sessions with people with similar disabilities and learning to communicate better with their peers, family, and friends.”

Specific: The aim is to assist the patient in growing social interaction skills.

Measurable: The patient’s progress can be tracked by the number of group sessions attended and their ability to communicate better with others.

Attainable: With sufficient practice and guidance, developing social interaction skills is possible.

Relevant: Social interaction skills are essential for a patient’s well-being and speech development.

Time-based: Six whole months are required for goal attainment.

8. Enhance Problem Solving

“I’ll develop 5 problem-solving strategies and implement them within two months in the speech therapy sessions. That should encourage my clients to better understand the concept of problem solving and be able to apply it in their day-to-day life situations.”

Specific: You have outlined 5 problem-solving strategies for therapy sessions.

Measurable: Five strategies should be developed and implemented within two months.

Attainable: It’s realistic for a therapist to implement strategies in the allotted time frame.

Relevant: The strategies should be appropriate to problem solving and helping patients understand the concept.

Time-based: You have two months to reach this particular goal.

9. Promote Self-Confidence

“By the end of 5 months, I hope to develop a program to foster self-confidence in my speech therapy clients. The program should include activities that help people recognize their strengths and resources for dealing with underlying self-esteem issues.”

Specific: The goal specifies the duration of 5 months, what program to create, and what activities should be included.

Measurable: You can check whether the program was created and implemented into your practice.

Attainable: Creating a program to promote self-confidence is achievable.

Relevant: This goal is pertinent to improving self-confidence in speech therapy clients.

Time-based: There is a 5-month window for success.

10. Use of Sign Language

“I’ll strive to introduce the use of sign language in my speech therapy sessions by the end of the year. I want to better communicate with patients who are deaf or hard of hearing, as well as enhance their understanding and participation in the sessions.”

Specific: The SMART goal is well-defined. The therapist wants to introduce sign language in their speech therapy sessions.

Measurable: Make sure you follow the listed action items above.

Attainable: It is a realistic goal that can be reached given sufficient time and resources.

Relevant: This goal is appropriate for a speech therapist to help patients who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Time-based: Goal completion will be met by the end of the year.

11. Respond to Directions

“The aim is to have my patients accurately respond to directions, instructions, and questions for two months. I’ll provide verbal and nonverbal cues, visual aids, and other support means to help them better understand the instructions.”

Specific: The individual aims to help patients accurately respond to directions, instructions, and questions.

Measurable: You will track how accurately your patient responds to directions.

Attainable: This is reachable because the person will use cues, visual aids, and other support means to help patients understand instructions better.

Relevant: Responding to instructions and directions is crucial to speech development.

Time-based: The goal is time-bound since it has an end date of two months.

12. Improve Memory Retention

“Over three months, I’ll create and test various memory retention techniques with my speech therapy clients. I want to remember instructions and concepts more effectively.”

Specific: This goal is explicit because the speech therapist plans to improve their patient’s memory retention.

Measurable: You can track the success of your memory retention techniques and keep notes on each session.

Attainable: You have identified a reasonable timeline to create and test various memory retention techniques.

Relevant: Improving memory retention skills is a crucial aspect of speech therapy.

Time-based: This particular goal has a three-month time frame.

Final Thoughts

The SMART method is a great tool for speech pathology professionals and their patients. By creating well-rounded SMART goals for each patient, you can provide them with a framework for success in their recovery journey.

You’ll also have an easier time measuring progress in speech therapy. So be sure to keep this information in mind when creating your next goals and set yourself up for greatness.

Rei is the founder of Success in Depth. He is passionate about self-improvement and brings years of experience in goal setting to empower readers to reach their aspirations. He has been featured on sites like Yahoo News, AOL, The Epoch Times, and more.